History of KSMA |
The Kyrgyz State Medical Academy is the leader in medical education in the Kyrgyz Republic and most dynamically developing HIGH SCHOOL of the Central Asia. The КSМА employs 473 teachers including 101 Professors and Doctors of Medical Sciences, 358 Candidates of Medical Sciences and Senior lecturers. The Academy trains more than 3000 students - citizens of Kyrgyzstan, countries of the CIS and other 14 foreign countries. For the time of its operation the КSМА has produced more than 25 000 doctors and experts of associated professions.
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The Kyrgyz State Medical Institute was opened on the 1st September 1939 in city of Bishkek (formerly Frunze) with recruitment of 200 students. The establishment of the Institute was invaluably contributed to by the 1-st Moscow Medical Institute, high medical schools of Saint-Petersburg, Almaty, Tashkent and other medical institutions as well. They provided expertise and organizational assistance, medical guidelines and training books as well as faculty staff to do a full-time job for the Institute.
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Departments of CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) history and political economy, regular anatomy, biology, histology, general chemistry, physics, foreign languages and others were opened. 16 teachers worked at these departments. The 2-nd Kharkov General Medicine and Dentistry institute and the Moscow Dentistry Institute were evacuated to Kyrgyzstan during the Great Patriotic War (World War II), which caused hardships in the Institute's performance. Terms of training were shortened to 4-4,5 years. However by 1943 the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute (KSMI) had produced the first 250 doctors.
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In the post-war years starting from 1948 terms of training were extended to 6 - years. In the following 2-nd year of studies the KSMI launched official end-of-year examinations on anatomy, histology, physiology and biochemistry. In 1950ies the Institute increased admission of students and started training of doctors in specific areas of specialization.
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In 60ies the Institute started a programmed control of proficiency with technical means employed. This period had seen the development of scientific back-ups for gaining expertise in disciplines such as elements of training, levels of their mastering, graphology structures etc.
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In 70ies the Institute became the leading medical school of the USSR in effective solution of issues as physiology, pathology, adaptation of human organism to high altitude conditions. Qualitatively new way was paved for establishment of links with research centers of the Soviet Republics resulting in conclusion of agreements on creative cooperation with many research institutes and HIGH SCHOOLS of the former Soviet Union. Scientists of our Institute conducted a number of joint research missions at republican research performance sites and laboratories.
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In 80th educational-methodical and research process was considerably improved. The Kyrgyz State Medical Institute entered the world scientific community bringing up research issues relative to medicine in mountains, which moved KSMI toward strengthening of integration into research environment.
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In connection to structural changes in 1996 the Institute was reorganized by the decree of President of Kyrgyz Republic to become the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy. The administration took measures to ensure Academy's transition into market economy reflecting in a contractual system of training. At that, modernization of educational-methodical and research process have been under way. In 2000 the КSМА started introduction of new curricula designed in line with international standards.
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